Dana Hemes constructs system-based, visual experiments with human and nonhuman participants to explore interspecies dialogues. Drawing from process philosophy, technoculture and non-anthropocentric sciences, she creates functioning, complex systems to examine how interspecies interactions change the role of the human and the meaning of communication. She holds an MFA in Studio Arts from Montclair State University, and a BFA from NYU in Photography and Imaging and Studio Arts. She has been artist-in-residence at Whitecliffe College in New Zealand, with the School of Making Thinking and the Wassaic Project in New York, with the Holes in the Wall Collective in Pennsylvania and with the Marble House Project in Vermont. She has exhibited in various galleries and museums -- including Whitecliffe College, Cardiff School of Art and Design, MagnanMetz and Pioneer Works. She has presented artist talks at Eyebeam, the School of Visual Arts, and at MSU. She lives and works in New York.

2021-22 Studio178 Residency, Cornerstone STUDIOS
2020-22 Ocean Memory Project, Grant Recipient
2017 Visual Arts Center of New Jersey
Cabin Collective (co-host/resident), New Jersey
2016 Marble House Project-- Vermont
Holes in the Wall Collective-- Pennsylvania
2015 Wassaic Artist in Residence-- New York
2013 Whitecliffe College Artist-in-Residence-- Auckland, New Zealand
School of Making Thinking-- New York
2024 Bombyx/Homo 1, Dense: When Design Meets New Jersey
2023 Interview with Linda Weintraub, Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts Q38: Heal the Man, Heal the Land
Earthkeepers Handbook
2021 Interview with ecoartspace
2017 Panel Discussion at Monmouth Museum-- Lincroft, NJ
Extended Listening workshop at Cabin Collective residency-- Newton, NJ
2016 Cosmologies: Shaped by Trauma Panel Discussion at Eyebeam-- Brooklyn, NY
Found Sound Nation: A Living Together Interview with Clocktower Radio-- Brooklyn, NY
2014 Artist talk at School of Visual Arts, Photography Department-- New York, NY
Artist talk at Montclair State University, Art Department-- Montclair, NJ
2013 Artist talk at Whitecliffe College-- Auckland, New Zealand
2022 Elemental Effects, Long Beach Island Foundation (group exhibition, curated by Linda Weintraub)
2017. Animal Architects, Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, NJ
Tristate Maker Faire, Lakeville, CT
2016 Wassaic Summer Exhibition, Wassaic, NY
The Maize, New Jerusalem, PA
A Living Together at PioneerWorks, Brooklyn, NY
2015 Governors Island Art Fair, New York, NY
Surroundings at Index Art Center, Newark, NJ
2014 Sliver at Index Art Center, Newark, NJ
Stratatorium MFA Thesis Show at MagnanMetz, New York, NY
Homo[+]/Homo 1, Phase 1 at Finley Gallery, Montclair, NJ
2013 Micro-Culture at Whitecliffe College, Auckland, New Zealand
Portfolio: Works on Paper at Howard Gardens Gallery, Cardiff School of Art & Design, Cardiff, Wales
Emergenc[i]es at Finley Gallery, Montclair, NJ
Homegrown at Finley Gallery, Montclair, NJ
2012 Unproblematic at Finley Gallery, Montclair, NJ
2011 Get There at Brooklyn Fireproof, Brooklyn, NY
The Project Collective: Pantry Party at Brooklyn Fireproof, Brooklyn, NY
2008 Three’s a Crowd BFA Thesis Exhibition, NYU Tisch School of the Arts, New York, NY
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ
MFA Studio Arts: Sculpture/Interactive Installation
New York University
Tisch School of the Arts, New York, NY
BFA Photography and Imaging, Studio Arts Minor